Real Estate Professional
Charmaine has made a great impact in my life. Before I met her my life was filled with drama and totally ego dominated. I was very detached from people. I was rescuing and enabling my son. I felt I always had to be there for him and I couldn’t say no.
Charmaine helped me realize that all my rescuing was completely failed help, none of it made any difference. It only created more drama. Rude awakening!
She helped me to understand that I was not responsible for my Son. He needs to take full responsibility for his own life and I needed to get out of the way. I was only responsible for my own life. I learned how to be in my own power, to no longer justify and explaining myself to others, and to stop making excuses for myself.
Charmaine helped me learn to love and respect myself. To be true to myself. I now talk, walk, and think different. I know how to make intelligent decisions. There is no drama in my life. I listen to my inner guidance and trust myself.
My life has completely changed… I am now at peace!